Tim SchnickmannTransitSennheiser MKH 60Andrzej KlamtSkoda OktaviaVincent LucassenDAT - RekorderSchienenDollyARRI SR-3AusrŸstungSchŸppe?Eugen HechtTomasz MalotaUlrich RydzewskiSennheiser MKH 60
Film Crew
Production Office
Executive Producer /
Editorial Department

Filmography   Ulrich Rydzewski

Feature-length works since 1995

1995 “Verbotene Zone”, documentation, Beta SP, colour, 45 minutes (Director and producer, together with Andrzej Klamt, halbtotal Filmproduktion) channel: BR, mdr, arte and WDR

1996 „Der strahlende Sarg - 10 Jahre Tschernobyl“, feature, Beta SP, colour, 45 minutes (Director, together with Andrzej Klamt) Production: TV-Ventures, Berlin; commissioned production by Bayerischer Rundfunk and Deutsche Welle

1996-1998 „Pelym“, documentary film, Super 16 / 35 mm, colour, 112 minutes (Director and producer, together with Andrzej Klamt) subsidy kulturelle Filmförderung NRW (Filmbüro NW) and Hessische Filmförderung shown at numerous filmfestivals worldwide Munich 1998: awarded Festivalpreis für den besonderen Dokumentarfilm Duisburg 1998: awarded arte-Dokumentarfilmpreis

1999-2000 „Verzeihung... ich lebe“,documentary film by Andrzej Klamt and Marek Pelc, 16 mm, colour and b&w, 81 minutes
(Co-Producer and composer of the soundtrack) awarded Hessischer Filmpreis 2000

2001-2004 „Carpatia“,documentary film, Super 16 / 35 mm, colour, 127 minutes (Director and producer, together with Andrzej Klamt)subsidy Filmbüro NW, Filmbüro Hessen, HR-Filmförderung, Filmstiftung NRW, Filmfonds Wienchannel: 3sat

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